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  Create a Video DVD  

You get this windows only if you selected  "DVD" while in "project definition window" (step 1)

If you select "Data DVD", you'll have same options as shown in the "Create a Data Disc" menu.

If yiou select "Video DVD",  the options are: 

Volume Label: Enter here the name that will be displayed when you first insert the Disc in the PC reader.

Publisher Name: Enter here the name of the disc publisher 

Enable Copy Protection:  Check this box to have "DUPE-LOCK" installed in your Video DVD. DUPE-LOCK protect your Video DVD from being copied by the most popular ripping programs. It's a little investment that protects your DVD from unathorized copying. 

Click on the "Video Folder" icon to open the folder that holds all required  .IFO, .VOB e .BUP files. These files are normally created in the "VIDEO_TS" folder by the VIDEO publishing software.

Click on the packaging icon to select your preferred disc packaging. 

Please be aware that i-Sudio won't build and save the Video DVD image till you save your project (step 5).



CD-Click Europe is the leader in digital cd printing and cd duplication services including cd production, dvd production and blu-ray duplication and more. The only european short-run online cd dvd blu ray duplication and printing 24/7
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