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  Import from Excel worksheet  

The user can use an Excel worksheet (xls format) as source of data for the variable fields when printing  'Merge Image and Text' labels.

A document cannot hold more than one worksheet. Each row of the worksheet represents a 'record' (except for the first row). The information of one whole record will be printed on one disc.

The very first row of the table is where the system locates the record field's name (the columns) that will be used to set up the print label. When printing, the label will not show the name of the fields but it will show only text info extracted directly from the current record.

If the number of discs to be printed is greater than the the number of 'records' in the file, no text will be printed on the exceeding discs.


CD-Click Europe is the leader in digital cd printing and cd duplication services including cd production, dvd production and blu-ray duplication and more. The only european short-run online cd dvd blu ray duplication and printing 24/7
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