CD Click - Europe - Transfer Guard - CD Duplication, CD DVD Printing CD-Click - United Kingdom - Transfer Guard - Online Short-Run CD, DVD or Blu-Ray Duplication CD Click - France - TransferGuard: Duplication de cd, impression de cd CD Click - Deutschland - TransferGuard, Brennsoftware, Brenn CD, Kopieren CD CD Click - Espagne - TransferGuard - Copias DVD, Duplicación e Impresión CD CD Click - Italia - Transfer Guard - Duplicazione cd online
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  Packaging and Inserts  

You can choose from the following blank or printed packagins:




For each package, please click on the            button to upload and see the image that you have already created.

Template can be downloaded from this link:

Click on the   button, select the image file and click "open" to display it in the chosen package. I-Studio automatically risizes the image to be printed.

Click on the   button to remove the image from the template.

Once loaded the wallet looks like this:

 You can print and proof your design. Just click on the   icon.

Click on the lens to expand the display. We suggest you use 200% to mak esure you see the cutting lines.

Once your project is over,  click on the  icon to compile and save it to disc.  



CD-Click Europe is the leader in digital cd printing and cd duplication services including cd production, dvd production and blu-ray duplication and more. The only european short-run online cd dvd blu ray duplication and printing 24/7
CD Duplication, DVD Duplication, CD Replication, DVD Replication, CD Printing, DVD Printing