Priority will be calculated on business days.
When you place the order, this is the 0 business day
OVERNIGHT (1 day):
If Order and Payment arrive by 9.30 am on day zero (0) your project will be shipped the same day (day 0);
If Order and Payment arrive after 9.30 am on day zero (0) your project will be shipped the next business day (day 1);
HIGH (2 days):
If Order and Payment arrive by 9.30 am on day zero (0) your project will be shipped the next business day (day 1);
If Order and Payment arrive after 9.30 am on day zero (0) your project will be shipped the day 2;
STANDARD (5 days):
If Order and Payment arrive by 06.00 pm on day zero (0) your project will be shipped the day 5 (business day);
STANDARD (12 days):
If Order and Payment arrive by 06.00 pm on day zero (0) your project will be shipped the day 12 (business day);